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Film blowing machine daily maintenance work content

Film blowing machine daily maintenance work content
(1) intact, check the temperature-controlled heater parts intact, each point of the temperature in the target range
(2) Check the running motor current, speed, temperature, accuracy, noise, and mechanical drive standard too., Check the gear box oil level and mechanical lubrication.
Battlefield traction speed, film width, thickness control is accurate.
(4) the observed film thickness uniform. Fold Path, whether to meet the standards.
The observation of film plastics and found that the crystallization point, stiff block, timely processing of waterlines.
Check the air storage cylinder pressure comply with the requirements, the timely cleanup of oil-water separator
Check control the ratio of raw materials, mixed standard.
Regular calibration die, traction, the midpoint of the guide rollers, level balance.
Copyright ? Ruian DeBang Machine Co.,Ltd.
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