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The transformation of the film blowing machine manufacturing mechanical process will promote the development of the plastics industry

The manufacture of mechanical process of transformation of the film blowing machine will promote the development of the plastics industry, a long time, the plastics industry dependent on foreign advanced machinery and equipment, the introduction of foreign technology will increase the cost of production of the plastics industry and the press industry, the development of the presses intelligent mode not only improvethe performance of the film blowing machine, can reduce costs, reduce working hours, will significantly improve the plastics industry status quo. Intelligent manufacturing equipment machinery and equipment with intelligent systems, with the outside world's perception, analysis, decision-making and control functions, the application of the intelligent mode, film blowing machine has a sensor, temperature control and the perception coefficient, which can effectively operate automatically and improve efficiency, and film blowing machine to prevent detection.
Copyright ? Ruian DeBang Machine Co.,Ltd.
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