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Rotating head polypropylene film blowing unit purpose and main features

The rotating head polypropylene blown film crew, is the introduction of foreign advanced technology developed by well-designed a new generation of water-cooled air blowing unit. Machine has a compact structure, convenient operation, high degree of automation, the film is transparent and high, used for blowing polypropylene (PP) is widely used in food, clothing, textile, daily necessities, industrial packaging, feel flexible; have good barrier , heat sealing, low temperature resistance. Can achieve a variety of packaging requirements, and packaging materials you need it most ideal for high-grade goods.

Main features:
Extruder barrel, screw adopt high quality alloy steel, processed by nitrogen, with the best hardness and corrosion resistance.
Auxiliary extruder according to process requirements will raise the next blowing. The coiling unit adopts torque motor to keep proper tension, neatly winding roll-changing easy.
Copyright ? Ruian DeBang Machine Co.,Ltd.
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