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What is Plastic Machinery

The production process of plastic products, plastic machinery can be divided into the plastic mixing machinery, plastic molding machinery, plastic secondary processing of the four major categories of plastics processing machinery and auxiliary machinery or devices. Plastic compounding machinery used for various forms of plastic with the manufacturing of mixing and kneading machine, refining presses (mill and mixer), pelletizer, screening machines, crushers and grinders. Plastic molding machinery, also known as the first plastics processing machinery for the molding of plastic semi-finished products, including compression molding machine, injection molding machines, extrusion machine, blow molding machines, rolling machines, rotational molding machine, foam machine, film blowing machine and so on. Plastics secondary processing machinery for the reprocessing of plastic semi-finished products and post-processing, including thermoforming machines, welding machines, heat sealing machine, stamping machine, vacuum deposition machines, flocking machines, printing presses. Metalworking machine tools are also used in plastics secondary processing. Plastics processing auxiliary machinery or devices used to achieve the rationalization of the plastics processing, including the feeding device of the automatic measurement, automatic recovery scrap, injection molding products automatically remove the device, the injection mold rapid replacement of the device, injection mold cooling machines, automatic thickness measurement device as well as raw materials transport and storage equipment. Such auxiliary machinery or devices, has become an indispensable part of modern plastics processing process automation.
The degree of perfection of plastic machinery directly affect the quality, yield and cost of plastic semi-finished products, and therefore must be able to adapt to the plastic with a mixed process of temperature and stress changes, and the resulting molten material properties change and adapt to chemical corrosion and mechanical wear and other special conditions. In recent years, a special plastic grades, the development of engineering plastics, composite materials, plastic product mix and technological development of large, lightweight, and thin-walled plastic machinery to achieve: for production purposes, while the complete set of products; high-speed labor-saving, automation, in order to improve the production efficiency of products; to ensure a minimum level of sophistication of the product specifications and quality of error; low energy consumption, covering the operation and maintenance is easy and safe.
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