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Film blowing machine and bag making machine is the perfect plastic bag production equipment

Film blowing machine heat to melt the plastic particles blown film.
Film blowing machine for very many, PE, POF, PVC, and so on.
Blown out with a new particle is new material, color, both said, clean, good bag stretching.
It was also made ??of recycled plastic bags particles, such particles are generally called the old material, made ??of particles usually gray to add pigment, usually made ??bag is made uneven bag coloring, brittle and easily broken , the price is also lower.

Bag making machine is to make all kinds of plastic bags or other material bags machine processing of various sizes and thickness with different sizes of plastic bags or other material, in general as the main products in plastic bags.

Film blowing machine and bag making machine is the perfect plastic bag production equipment in their daily lives.
Copyright ? Ruian DeBang Machine Co.,Ltd.
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