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Energy-saving method of high-speed film blowing machine

Energy-saving high-speed film blowing machine can be divided into two parts: one part is the driving force, a heating section.
Power saving part: they use a frequency converter, energy is through energy savings over the motor, such as the actual power of the motor is 50Hz, but you really only need 30Hz production is sufficient to produce, and those extra energy in vain wasted, the inverter is to change the power output of the motor to achieve energy saving effect.
Heated portion Energy: Heating section mostly uses electromagnetic energy saving heaters energy saving, energy-saving rate of about 30% -70% of the old resistance circle.
1 Compared to resistive heating, multi-layer electromagnetic heater insulation, thermal efficiency increases.
2 compared to resistive heating, electromagnetic acts directly on the heater tube is heated to reduce heat loss of the heat transfer.
3 Compared resistance heating, the heating rate is faster electromagnetic heater more than a quarter, reducing the heating time.
4 compared to resistive heating, electromagnetic heating of the fast heating rate, the production efficiency is improved, so that the motor is saturated, it is reduced, due to the high energy demand low power consumption.
Copyright ? Ruian DeBang Machine Co.,Ltd.
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