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Blowing Machine contribution to the food packaging industry

A good performance in the production of blown film machine showing the process of good market adaptability, improve production efficiency, provide people to facilitate, promote social harmony and development. Food packaging is the largest thin-film applications, blown film machine blown film can be used as high-grade packaging publicity to increase business value.
Currently popular on the market mainly in plastic packaging, paper-based, plastic film blowing machine blow molding industry based on market share of large, but with the increasingly stringent requirements of the paper industry, environmental protection and energy-efficient new indicators to improve the paper's threshold, resulting in paper packaging market cost of expanding prices. This makes plastic packaging in the market share increase, stimulated the development of film blowing machine manufacturing machinery industry.

Today, the development of high-end technology blown film machine, blown film can also be used in food preservation technology and many other applications, to the path of the new blown film machinery manufacturing. A special cling film blowing machine blowing, the use of advanced technology, durable resistance to put fruits and vegetables. In order to meet the social needs and environmental needs products, plastic film blowing machine will continue to introduce advanced technology, adjusting the industrial model to promote the plastics industry to high-end forward.

Blowing machine machinery manufacturing industry has produced a new type of film blowing machine blowing machine sheet, pe foam film blowing machine, multi-layer composite film blowing machine, color film blowing machine, shrink film blowing machine, etc., to meet the market a variety of product packaging, high quality blown film won the favor of high-grade packaging.

Copyright ? Ruian DeBang Machine Co.,Ltd.
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