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Conservation Measures plastic film blowing machine

Plastic film blowing machine conservation measures:
1, the sealing machine placed in ventilated dry place, usually at room temperature is maintained at about 25 ℃.
2, each running two days, you should raise the moving parts # 6 oil, mainly in the gears, bearings and gearboxes, etc.
3, should be regularly dust, insisted the machine clean. Best unplug when not in use drop cloths to hide.
4, if the running time is too long, the cooling fan should be turned off before, and then shut down until the temperature drops, due to the shutdown cooling, heat damage with very simple.
5, the temperature should be regularly except with dirt to ensure sealing quality.
6, severe wear parts should be replaced to extend the overall life expectancy.
Copyright ? Ruian DeBang Machine Co.,Ltd.
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