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Vest bag making machine what features are

Vest Bag Making Machine Features:
1 can produce vest bag, bag, flat bag, insert side bags, inserted at the end of non-woven bags and other bags;
2. Vest bags: can be set to the maximum length of 50-60 cm length 80 cm;
3 sets of ultrasound systems, stable;
4. L-type structure, saving area;
5. Queliao protection system configuration, correction system, improve the rate of qualified products;
6. Replace roller change trimming, stitching effect;
7 modular design to facilitate easy replacement of spare parts;
8. PLC program control, high precision, small error;
9. Stepless frequency control, stable performance, easy to debug;
10 simple, easy to use.
Copyright ? Ruian DeBang Machine Co.,Ltd.
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