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Bag making machine use and characteristics

Bag making machine use and characteristics
First, use:
Bag making machine for the production of garment bags, socks bag, towel bag, bread bags, jewelry bags, lingerie bags, stationery bags, electrical components, bags, bamboo wood products, bags and other plastic film bags.
Second, the processed material: BOPP, PP, PE, a variety of heat shrink film may be heat sealing material.

Third, the performance characteristics:
1, the whole machine adopts microcomputer control, stepper motor to pull material (optional servo motor control system).
2, computer fixed-length, step length optical tracking, accurate, stable, lost standard automatic shutdown, the use of photoelectric control feeding.
3, automatic counting, counting the whole can be set to alarm and shut down.
4, sealing lace; automatic punch (hanging hole, vent); automatically paste glue.
5, tube feeding break, leak correction, hole correction (requires additional equipment).
Copyright ? Ruian DeBang Machine Co.,Ltd.
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