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SJ-45X3/FM 1000 SJ-50X3/FM 1200 SJ-55X3/FM 1500 Three-layer Common-extruding Rotary Die Film Blowing

1.Die head is layer type spiral mandrel, continuous 3600  rotation.
2.Screen  pack changer design is   reliable,  safe in operation and change the fitter
screen easier.
3.Various functional parts may be installed  to  the  lies.,such as length counting
device, vertical cutting device,  cooling  water  row  pipe,  film  spreading roller,
scrap collecting device.

The lines are designed developed by our corporation according to market need, they reach the advanced levels in the 90s, come up with analogous lines in home.
It is optimum designed on the trounds  of  preference  of analogous lines in foreign and home. The lines can be blown cotinuous 800/1500mm in  fold  width 0.08mm
in the thickness packaging films, film has good insulation, for instance holding temperature,  antihumid, antibreeze, anti-rain,anti-rost, insulation oxygen,oil
resistive, and so used for light and heavy-duty packaging,  for example fresh fruits, meat-feeding,salt  vegetables, fresh milk, drink.

Main Technical Variables



3SJ-G1200 3SJ-G1500
Screw Diameter ф55×2 ф60×1 ф60×2 ф65×1 ф65×2 ф70×1
Screw Ratio L/D 28:1 28:1 28:1
Screw Speed 15-150r/min 15-150r/min 15-150r/min
Main Motor Power 15Kw×2 18.5Kw×1 18.5Kw×2 22Kw×1 22Kw×2 30Kw×1
Extrusion Output(Single) 50kg/h 80kg/h 100kg/h
Range of Die ф150 φ200 ф200 φ250×1 ф250 ф300×1
Single-sided Thickness of Film 0.01-0.10mm 0.01-0.10mm 0.01-0.10mm
Max. Folding Width of Film 1000mm 1200mm 1500mm
Electric Total Capacity 76Kw 88Kw 102Kw
Overall Dimension 6600×4100×5000mm 6800×4300×6000mm 7000×4800×7500mm
Weight of Machine 4T 5T 6T

Copyright ? Ruian DeBang Machine Co.,Ltd.
宁安市| 忻州市| 克拉玛依市| 明溪县| 北票市| 武邑县| 广元市| 喀喇沁旗| 滨海县| 博罗县| 遂平县| 诏安县| 石楼县| 洱源县| 娄烦县| 靖边县| 原阳县| 繁昌县| 三原县| 藁城市| 金塔县| 阜新市| 穆棱市| 岳阳市| 宁南县| 碌曲县| 内丘县| 巍山| 顺义区| 义乌市| 九江市| 桦甸市| 泸水县| 长宁区| 北海市| 宜川县| 崇义县| 靖边县| 昌邑市| 佛山市| 从江县|