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Single/Double-layer Co-extrusion Stretch Film Machine

This unit uses LLDPE as main material and adopts several kinds of resins to manufacture the single/double-side self-sticky stretch wrapping film. The film has good tensile strength,anti-pricking ability and impact strength. Its good shrinking memory function and self-sticky can make goods integrity to prevent goods from loosening and collapsing during transportation and being polluted by dust. The transparency and tensile strength of this product can make the packaging beautiful, economical and practical. The film can be widely used in wrapping of palletized goods. It’s a good substitute for hot shrinking packaging film during

Item/Model 1250mmDouble-layer 1250mmSingle-layer
Screw diameter(mm) 65 75
L/D ratio of screw (L/D) 28:1 28:1
width of die head (mm) 1250 1250
Width of finished products(mm) 1000(500*2rollers) 1000(500*2rollers)
Thickness of finished products (mm) 0.017-0.05 0.017-0.05
Structure of film layers A/B --
Max output (kg/h) 100 100
Linear speed of machinery (m/min) 50-100 50-100
Total power (KW) 140 120
Overall dimensions (L*W*H)m 10*4*3 11*4.5*3
Weight (T)(About) 8 8

Copyright ? Ruian DeBang Machine Co.,Ltd.
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