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Low pressure film blowing machine

Low-pressure special film blowing machine Applicable raw material HDPE recycled materials for the production of vest bags, garbage bags, low-pressure packaging film, agricultural film and other products. Advantages Increased output and more stable quality.

Model DB-45-700 type DB-50-900 type DB-55-1100 type DB-60-1300 type
Screw diameter Ф45 Ф50 Ф55 Ф60
Length to diameter ratio 30:1 30:1 30:1 30:1
Film folding diameter 600 800 1000 1200
Thickness of one side of the film 0.008-0.05mm 0.008-0.05mm 0.008-0.05mm 0.008-0.05mm
Production output 30-50 kg/hour 40-60kg/hour 50-70kg/hour 60-70kg/hour
Host power 15 18.5 22 30
Heating power 11 13 19 21
Dimensions 4800×2000×3600 5200×2300×3800 6500×2500×4200 6500×28000×4800
machine weight 1.5T 2T 2.3T 2.6T

Optional device:
Mike weight (control weight)
Suction machine (automatic suction)
Corona treatment machine (surface electrostatic treatment)
Pneumatic shaft (more convenient for loading and unloading)

Real shots in the customer's factory

Copyright ? Ruian DeBang Machine Co.,Ltd.
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